The human performance department directly oversees the physical development of the NMMI Corps of Cadets and NMMI Junior College Athletic Teams. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive physical development program which utilizes educated, protective and progressive training methods, to accomodate various population groups to meet the demands of competition/sport.
Daniel Ford
Strength & Conditioning Coach
Office Phone: 575-624-8029
1. Safety
2. Reduce the Risk of Injury
3. Increase Mental Intensity
4. Develop Character and Team Chemistry
5. Increase Work Capacity
6. Train for Athleticism
7. Train for Efficiency
8. Develop the Attitude Necessary to Compete at the highest level
1. Ground Based
2. Multi-Joint/Athletic
3. Incorporate First/Isolate Last
4. Train the Core of the Body
5. Ground-Up development
6. Metabolic Conditioning
7. Speed, Agility, Quickness Development
8. Proper Joint Function(s)
9. Recovery/Restoration/Nutrition
1. Strength: Combats external forces applied to the body during competitive/sport movement. Strengthening muscles associated with body regions that supply force during movement helps reduce the risk(s) of injury while providing a solid baseline for development.
2. Power: The rate at which you apply force. All competitive or sport related movement(s) requires the application of force. Incorporating explosive actions in regions of the body associated with explosive movement. (plyometrics, explosive drills)
3. Athleticism/Movement: Increasing efficiency in elements of strength and power corresponding to "real world" athletic movement patters. A. Speed B. Agility C. Quickness.
4. Skill: Applying the elements of strength, power, speed and agility in the aspects relative to sport practice/competition.
Flexibility and Conditioning: preparation for each progressive step of development.
1. Eat Every 2-3 hours
2. Eat complete Protein with every feeding
3. Eat vegetables every time you eat
4. Eat starchy carbs post-workout
5. Consume Healthy Fats
6. Avoid all drinks outside of water, unless after a workout
7. Eat whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible
8. Follow these rules 90% of the time. Allow cheat meals.
9. Develop food preparation strategies
10. Time Nutrients- When to eat What