Sports Medicine & Athletic Training

When an athlete is injured during a game, the personnel who run out to help are members of the athletic training staff. And for the fans watching the game, that’s usually the only time they really think about the folks from the sports medicine/athletic training department.

But the on-field work is far from all the sports medicine/athletic training program does.

“Our job encompasses many different areas,” said director of athletic training John Carpenter. “Our biggest areas are injury prevention. We also deal with stretching, taping and hydration. Many people are under the misconception that the only thing you do as an athletic trainer is chase helmets at a football game and do water, but our job is so much more than that.”

Teaching is also major component of their mission.

“Education is key and paramount to everything that we do, Carpenter said. “The more that we can educate our athletes and our cadets — because we also have responsibilities within the corps of cadets — the better.”Ultrasound and Tens Therapy

The education program is designed to align with the athletic training education programs at certain four-year universities. As apart of theHealth, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) program at NMMI, the Athletic Training Education Program (ATEP) offers a number of classes, allowing interested cadets to take some of their required lower division coursework at NMMI.

And, as part of a partnership formed in 2008 with New Mexico State University and Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell, students who enter into NMMI’s ATEP can transfer seamlessly into NMSU’s program and finish their degree in athletic training.

The athletic trainers on staff also work very closely with the Marshall infirmary, effectively extendingthe availability of athletic training services to the entire Corps of Cadets.

The department includes two full-time certified athletic trainers and a part-time assistant as well as ahalf-dozen or so student assistants. The staff also works closely with Dr. Earl Latimer, a Roswell orthopedic surgeon who serves as the team doctor.

The department is currently housed downstairs in the Godfrey Athletic Center, with a training room, whirlpool, ice machine, coolers and training tables. They also have smaller facility located in the basement of Cahoon Armory. Included in plans for remodeling NMMI’s premier athletic facility are upgrades to the SM/AT facilities, including offices and additional whirlpools.

John Carpenter - Director of Sports Medicine & Athletic Training
Office phone: 575-624-8458

Carpenter is in his third year as NMMI’s director of athletic training.

Born and raised in Albuquerque, Carpenter’s grandfather, SSgt William R. Carpenter, was
an instructor of military science at NMMI from 1957-1962.

A member of the National Athletic Trainers Association since 2000, he is a graduate of the University of New Mexico, with a 2001 bachelor’s in athletic training and 2007 master’s in physical education with an emphasis on sports administration.

He was head athletic trainer at Bernalilllo High School in 2013; head athletic trainer at New Mexico Highland University from 2008-2012; and UNM graduate assistant from 2004-2006. He served a two-year summer internship with the San Diego Chargers in 2000 and 2001.

Carpenter is also an associate member of the Justin Boots Sports Medicine Program, working with rodeo athletes in New Mexico when time permits.

He is single and enjoys playing golf, hunting, fishing and attending various professional and minor league baseball games.